Details for ham25_58-60_amp

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  • Date & time: 2017-08-17, 11:36:00

  • Location: Alexandria

  • Animal subject: ham25

  • Investigator: Viktor Varga

  • Experimenters: Viktor Varga

  • Project: Medial Septal place cell generation, Place field-memory field unity of hippocampal neurons

  • Data repositories: NYUshare_Datasets, download session from Web share

  • Created: 2018-10-02 23:57:03 by Peter Petersen
    Updated: 2023-08-14 10:57:54 by Peter Petersen

  • Notes:
    Sham session. 20Control 10Sham 40PostStim
    Buzsaki 5×12


Epochs Behavioral paradigm Maze type Built maze Manipulation Duration Notes
ham25_58 Homecage_Sleep Homecage Homecage_Mouse 7619.004
ham25_59 ThetaMaze_AlternativeRunning Theta maze Theta_Maze_Viktor 7619.004
ham25_60 Homecage_Sleep Homecage Homecage_Mouse 7619.004



File format

Sampling rate



Spike groups

Least significant bit

Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dat 20000 152380080 64 6 0.195

Implanted probes

Spike groups

Spike groups are typically defined by the group of channels within shanks. Channels are listed and comma-separated and labels can further be assigned to each group. Channels are 0-indexed.




1 51, 58, 52, 57, 49, 60, 50, 59, 54, 55, 53, 56
2 63, 38, 64, 39, 61, 41, 62, 42, 33, 37, 34, 35
3 47, 17, 46, 20, 45, 19, 43, 21, 48, 18, 44, 22
4 28, 1, 25, 2, 23, 3, 24, 4, 27, 31, 29, 32
5 8, 13, 7, 14, 6, 15, 5, 16, 9, 12, 10, 11
6 30, 36, 26, 40
This section is dedicated to extra inputs besides the primary recording channels. For extracellular recordings this includes any extra analog and digital channels. Further it can be inputs saved with an Arduino or Raspberry pi or an entirely different hardware solution.


Input type




Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) adc 3 opto Analog reading of the opto stimulation
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dig 1 optiTrack_sync optiTrack TTL sync


File names





OptiTrack, Flex 13 ham25_59.csv 2 Head position 120

Brain regions are defined according to the Allen Institute Atlas. A brain region can be assigned to a list of channels or spike groups.

Brain region


Spike groups

CA1 – Field CA1 (View in Atlas) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64

Channel tags

Examples and reserved tags: Bad, Good, Theta, Gamma, Delta, Ripple, RippleNoise.



Spike groups

Theta 56 2
Ripple 22 3
Cortical 6
Bad 17, 19, 20, 21, 24
RippleNoise 51

Analysis tags




prebehaviortime 1
optiTrackExtraPulses 0
useOptitrackTime 0
optiTrack_length_unit 1
opto_pulse_amplitude 0.5
optiTrack_offset -3,32,0
reward_points_linearized 117,195
sessions 1,2,3

Spike sorting



Relative path


Spike sorter


Sorting completed

Units count

Sorting ID

KiloSort Phy Viktor Varga Yes 16 14730

Spike sorted units

# Spike count Firing rate (Hz) Spike group Brain region Cell type Deep/Superficial Refractory violation (‰) Peak voltage (µV) Trough-to-Peak (ms) Isolation distance
1 34352 4.5095988180052 4 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 5.2107591988822 113.63332440205 0.77 65.356432141325
2 11801 1.5493456988126 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 2.9658503516651 181.11413733581 0.8 49.94014358364
3 32680 4.2895861829121 5 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 5.7221542227662 147.38223903959 0.74 48.013774362938
4 20861 2.7387889402475 4 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 0.86285412971574 141.06038977695 0.79 59.416466098278
5 34665 4.5514399369455 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 6.3464589643733 149.42294596186 0.8 0
6 36587 4.8027287091651 5 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 6.2590537622653 149.95051572345 0.79 46.637702768874
7 58930 7.7348932730422 5 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 6.7368063804514 128.62925357073 0.72 59.510608437273
8 92772 12.176541582623 4 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Deep 0.49583926184625 147.94761807419 0.32 0
9 233510 30.648557456822 5 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Deep 2.4238790629952 131.9015611118 0.3 132.71733086825
10 209630 27.515440814707 5 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Deep 2.5282640843391 210.21342216548 0.29 69.045497534799
11 771 0.10338290798541 3 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Deep 1.2970168612192 219.26740352028 0.37 67.017275788831
12 3525 0.46302465701531 4 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 3.4042553191489 142.23106574368 0.78 29.458661240623
13 7479 0.9827646031606 5 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 0 268.28686026853 0.78 43.978251738383
14 9042 1.1885151033133 5 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 0.4423800044238 168.52109295873 0.78 35.075964028082
15 15177 1.9949728445708 5 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 0.19766752322593 188.8411027738 0.8 40.674737985434
16 31568 4.1448698176326 4 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 3.9597060314242 105.82379717676 0.78 73.281388049118