Details for Peter_MS12_170714_122034_concat

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  • Date & time: 2017-07-14, 12:20:34

  • Location: Alexandria

  • Animal subject: MS12

  • Investigator: Peter Petersen

  • Experimenters: Peter Petersen

  • Project: Brain temperature affects quantitative features of hippocampal sharp wave ripples, Theta rhythm perturbation by focal cooling of the septal pacemaker in awake rats

  • Data repositories: NYUshare_Datasets, download session from Web share

  • Created: 2019-01-05 12:56:41 by Peter Petersen ADMIN
    Updated: 2022-04-12 15:41:06 by Peter Petersen

  • Notes:


Epochs Behavioral paradigm Maze type Built maze Manipulation Duration Notes
Peter_MS12_170714_122034 Homecage_Sleep Homecage Homecage_Rat 6790.896
Peter_MS12_170714_143948 ThetaMaze_AlternativeRunning Theta maze Theta_Maze_Peter Thermal perturbation 9411.012
Peter_MS12_170714_152741 Homecage_Sleep Homecage Homecage_Rat 17284.608



File format

Sampling rate



Spike groups

Least significant bit

Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dat 20000 345692000 128 12 0.195

Implanted probes

MS12 : #1 Silicon probe NeuroNexus Buzsaki 5×12 (64 ch, 5 shanks, staggered Non-uniform) | Region: HIP | Coordinates: -3.3, 2.5, -1.6
MS12 : #2 Silicon probe NeuroNexus Buzsaki 5×12 (64 ch, 5 shanks, staggered Non-uniform) | Region: HIP | Coordinates: -3.3, -2.5, -1.6

Spike groups

Spike groups are typically defined by the group of channels within shanks. Channels are listed and comma-separated and labels can further be assigned to each group. Channels are 0-indexed.




1 51, 58, 52, 57, 49, 60, 50, 59, 54, 55, 53, 56
2 63, 38, 64, 39, 61, 41, 62, 42, 33, 37, 34, 35
3 47, 17, 46, 20, 45, 19, 43, 21, 48, 18, 44, 22
4 28, 1, 25, 2, 23, 3, 24, 4, 27, 31, 29, 32
5 8, 13, 7, 14, 6, 15, 5, 16, 9, 12, 10, 11
6 30, 36, 26, 40
7 115, 122, 116, 121, 113, 124, 114, 123, 118, 119, 117, 120
8 127, 102, 128, 103, 125, 105, 126, 106, 97, 101, 98, 99
9 111, 81, 110, 84, 109, 83, 107, 85, 112, 82, 108, 86
10 92, 65, 89, 66, 87, 67, 88, 68, 91, 95, 93, 96
11 72, 77, 71, 78, 70, 79, 69, 80, 73, 76, 74, 75
12 94, 100, 90, 104
This section is dedicated to extra inputs besides the primary recording channels. For extracellular recordings this includes any extra analog and digital channels. Further it can be inputs saved with an Arduino or Raspberry pi or an entirely different hardware solution.


Input type




Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) aux 4 Temperature MS temperature probe
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) adc 1 WheelPosition Running wheel
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dig 1 OptitrackSync TTL sync
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dig 2 BaslerSync TTL sync
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dig 5 ArduinoRemoteCh1 Remote Button A
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dig 6 ArduinoRemoteCh2 Remote Button B
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dig 7 ArduinoRemoteCh3 Remote Button C
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dig 8 ArduinoRemoteCh4 Remote Button D
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) aux 1 AccelerometerX Head mounted accelerometer
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) aux 2 AccelerometerY Head mounted accelerometer
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) aux 3 AccelerometerZ Head mounted accelerometer


File names





OptiTrack, Flex 13 Take 2017-07-14 02.39.57 PM.csv 2 Head position 120
Basler, acA1300-200uc Basler acA1300-200uc (21965891)_20170714_143951934.avi 2 Video

Brain regions are defined according to the Allen Institute Atlas. A brain region can be assigned to a list of channels or spike groups.

Brain region


Spike groups

CA1 – Field CA1 (View in Atlas) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128

Channel tags

Examples and reserved tags: Bad, Good, Theta, Gamma, Delta, Ripple, RippleNoise.



Spike groups

Theta 9 4
Ripple 9 4
Cortical 6, 12
GammaPhaseCoupling 32 4

Analysis tags




Spike sorting



Relative path


Spike sorter


Sorting completed

Units count

Sorting ID

KiloSort Phy Kilosort_2017-07-15_002315 Peter Petersen Yes 62 22591

Spike sorted units

# Spike count Firing rate (Hz) Spike group Brain region Cell type Deep/Superficial Refractory violation (‰) Peak voltage (µV) Trough-to-Peak (ms) Isolation distance
1 2814 2.0270408984675 4 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 58.280028429282 93.718768451546 0.72 45.987083921783
2 49284 2.8519570913207 5 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 20.290560831101 137.989320925 0.71 39.874478798243
3 3029 0.17553822808247 10 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.6602839220865 180.20946424239 0.68 28.119957065309
4 3909 0.2268250999468 11 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 3.5814786390381 208.48237340974 0.71 34.791606217657
5 6049 0.35041723663053 11 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 3.306331625062 156.80882492864 0.72 36.99115523843
6 5016 0.5344241011632 4 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.79744816586922 118.23626790192 0.33 51.799727672844
7 5645 2.4414521818127 2 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 10.628875110717 114.08729143503 0.69 72.606041933225
8 8873 0.84815916363878 1 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 6.423982869379 191.32473585807 0.74 31.707488602943
9 6482 0.37594240393018 10 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 1.0799136069114 165.62884208251 0.71 35.305882935752
10 4239 3.0515672756663 4 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.47180938900684 146.64092286592 0.27 57.138804894403
11 21622 1.2511585889398 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 3.4686892979373 141.91871314579 0.72 44.977176288263
12 11248 0.65151935146856 10 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 5.3342816500711 122.61464486964 0.66 31.5042546406
13 12392 0.71783833297131 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 9.9257585539057 134.9276257616 0.73 36.179263458033
14 16928 0.98017842744708 10 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 5.6120037807183 96.447201399326 0.71 32.98180730509
15 19302 1.1173719393462 9 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 5.5952751010258 110.32169403288 0.72 31.609205973979
16 25089 1.4518409068116 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 4.1452429351509 111.94714989795 0.7 47.190274019545
17 21047 3.1566811733717 4 CA1 Wide Interneuron Unknown 2.6131990307407 66.964147066446 0.49 161.15543788632
18 28233 1.6335291198957 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 5.8088052987639 115.36381112202 0.7 56.063109891041
19 30277 1.7517296384746 10 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 6.1432770750074 95.076581459946 0.73 37.521992709925
20 35942 2.0797062914509 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 8.0685548939959 134.12314306888 0.7 53.312885879528
21 38459 2.225255814518 10 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 11.23274136093 82.343955776435 0.59 36.7446249386
22 42241 2.444460901856 1 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 30.728439194148 96.789862508932 0.69 0
23 45401 2.6280424710094 11 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 17.664809145173 87.473245779642 0.71 0
24 62877 3.638409760847 5 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 20.150452470697 155.98295144465 0.73 38.492183256188
25 4995 0.2898385822206 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 4.4044044044044 219.99907528507 0.78 36.587794926646
26 3365 0.19683042475435 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 2.6745913818722 204.56553332033 0.71 27.331917805631
27 107931 6.2446529786411 10 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Unknown 1.6769973408937 63.567203122541 0.33 97.099886403038
28 5823 0.33763715269934 9 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.85866391894213 198.31313826079 0.72 38.827657143851
29 7536 0.43679772401955 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 10.88110403397 210.86070041839 0.71 31.025390058595
30 8456 0.49051522310021 10 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 2.3651844843898 135.10696537807 0.61 35.760948357661
31 10037 0.5833680383166 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 1.6937331872073 319.48844575189 0.74 52.447271653974
32 11411 1.1605445585062 4 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 7.8871264569275 105.36613041814 0.7 79.872476931162
33 14634 11.452181449227 2 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.136668033347 172.68592131679 0.24 0
34 67094 3.8819687892984 8 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 20.642680418517 88.881088225158 0.69 0
35 69867 4.0422758048074 9 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Unknown 18.664033091445 69.805147717419 0.73 0
36 83384 4.8242586850542 10 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Unknown 1.4391250119927 71.309166168322 0.35 67.545343385824
37 96750 5.5975778080311 5 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Unknown 1.405684754522 124.10687356158 0.37 151.92645216612
38 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 1 Deep 9.9257585539057 127.82081625242 0.75 36.179263458033
39 10 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 1 Deep 5.6120037807183 89.36279330104 0.7 32.98180730509
40 9 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 1 Deep 5.5952751010258 103.81036447 0.8 31.609205973979
41 4 CA1 Wide Interneuron Superficial 2.6131990307407 75.193665843113 0.45 161.15543788632
42 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 2 Deep 4.1452429351509 117.32081848619 0.7 47.190274019545
43 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 1 Deep 5.8088052987639 109.6207698438 0.725 56.063109891041
44 10 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 1 Deep 6.1432770750074 87.23006225848 0.75 37.521992709925
45 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 1 Deep 8.0685548939959 123.31547284514 0.75 53.312885879528
46 1 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 1 Superficial 30.728439194148 92.07743412798 0.725 0
47 10 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 3 Deep 11.23274136093 77.138742817026 0.625 36.7446249386
48 11 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 1 Deep 17.664809145173 77.246384551002 0.75 0
49 5 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 2 Deep 20.150452470697 146.34757288039 0.7 38.492183256188
50 10 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Deep 1.6769973408937 57.806138505157 0.325 97.099886403038
51 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 2 Deep 2.6745913818722 217.8360936107 0.775 27.331917805631
52 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 2 Deep 4.4044044044044 209.39396696697 0.775 36.587794926646
53 9 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 2 Deep 0.85866391894213 192.17931478619 0.8 38.827657143851
54 10 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 1 Deep 2.3651844843898 124.85635998108 0.675 35.760948357661
55 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 2 Deep 10.88110403397 203.0972352707 0.725 31.025390058595
56 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 2 Deep 1.6937331872073 313.03641227458 0.75 52.447271653974
57 4 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 1 Superficial 7.8871264569275 100.18252738586 0.65 79.872476931162
58 2 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Superficial 0.136668033347 168.55703259533 0.225 0
59 8 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 1 Deep 20.642680418517 91.787602095568 0.7 0
60 9 CA1 Pyramidal Cell 3 Deep 18.664033091445 64.97251685345 0.75 0
61 10 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Deep 1.4391250119927 64.529853029358 0.325 67.545343385824
62 5 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Deep 1.405684754522 120.09002341085 0.375 151.92645216612