Details for YMV01_170818

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  • Date & time: 2017-08-18,

  • Location: Alexandria

  • Animal subject: YMV01

  • Investigator: Yuta Senzai

  • Experimenters: Yuta Senzai

  • Project: Layer-specific physiological features and interlaminar interactions in the primary visual cortex of the mouse

  • Data repositories: NYUshare_Datasets, download session from Web share

  • Created: 2019-01-07 21:40:04 by Yuta Senzai
    Updated: 2020-06-27 18:41:41 by Peter Petersen ADMIN

  • Notes:


Epochs Behavioral paradigm Maze type Built maze Manipulation Duration Notes
YMV01_170818 Homecage_Sleep Homecage Homecage_Mouse 7362.684



File format

Sampling rate



Spike groups

Least significant bit

Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dat 20000 147253680 64 1 0.195

Implanted probes

YMV01 : Silicon probe Cambridge Neurotech H3 (64 ch, 1 shanks, linear ) | Region: VISp | Coordinates: 1.0, 2.5,

Spike groups

Spike groups are typically defined by the group of channels within shanks. Channels are listed and comma-separated and labels can further be assigned to each group. Channels are 0-indexed.




1 23, 14, 16, 25, 12, 21, 8, 10, 22, 9, 26, 13, 11, 24, 15, 28, 27, 6, 19, 29, 4, 20, 32, 63, 1, 2, 31, 17, 3, 30, 7, 5, 37, 60, 45, 35, 62, 46, 34, 48, 18, 64, 33, 47, 61, 36, 57, 59, 41, 52, 50, 39, 54, 43, 58, 56, 44, 55, 40, 51, 53, 42, 49, 38
This section is dedicated to extra inputs besides the primary recording channels. For extracellular recordings this includes any extra analog and digital channels. Further it can be inputs saved with an Arduino or Raspberry pi or an entirely different hardware solution.


Input type




Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) adc 7 Stim opto and light stim


File names





Brain regions are defined according to the Allen Institute Atlas. A brain region can be assigned to a list of channels or spike groups.

Brain region


Spike groups

VISp – Primary visual area (View in Atlas) 1:64 1

Channel tags

Examples and reserved tags: Bad, Good, Theta, Gamma, Delta, Ripple, RippleNoise.



Spike groups

Analysis tags




Spike sorting



Relative path


Spike sorter


Sorting completed

Units count

Sorting ID

KiloSort Phy Yuta Senzai Yes 53 22747

Spike sorted units

# Spike count Firing rate (Hz) Spike group Brain region Cell type Deep/Superficial Refractory violation (‰) Peak voltage (µV) Trough-to-Peak (ms) Isolation distance
1 72443 9.9895508440462 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.9049459575114 120.12888824439 0.51
2 24252 3.2939786282559 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.08246742536698 272.68281736306 0.68
3 19431 2.6395536110169 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.904173742988 78.058662325158 0.72
4 11224 1.524726875012 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 1.4255167498218 68.265538418352 0.4
5 95943 13.031757593091 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 1.1882054970139 100.00386055267 0.2
6 6462 0.8782348393029 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.30950170225936 212.70667398908 0.59
7 6499 0.88289502024318 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.76934913063548 127.58743907663 0.64
8 8601 1.1682420865996 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0 177.60291022019 0.71
9 18475 2.5096009555854 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 2.9228687415426 81.95699171091 0.62
10 9990 1.3570665573225 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.3013013013013 85.894880108773 0.61
11 23474 3.1882714854867 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.576211979211 77.278021268291 0.73
12 4205 0.57231205324911 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.9512485136742 148.65734086002 0.57
13 18022 2.4480987311616 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.1097547442015 76.111645859695 0.51
14 9137 1.2413879475374 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.54722556637846 87.858083138712 0.74
15 4691 0.63749903163951 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 2.7712641227883 58.752141311832 0.59
16 16908 2.296677998851 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.0054412112609 88.215612721746 0.52
17 1775 0.24121970631277 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.56338028169014 59.707652679526 0.6
18 19455 2.6425246268728 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 1.2336160370085 125.93544626987 0.67
19 7888 1.0714832119106 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.63387423935091 107.24696642978 0.57
20 119062 16.171352499709 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.10918681023332 192.28032063068 0.49
21 17382 2.3616970403297 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 1.2656771372684 141.43413485899 0.64
22 26283 3.575114939306 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.95118517673021 102.48547613257 0.62
23 15794 2.145299546346 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 5.1918450044321 75.844424657655 0.64
24 74475 10.115389394512 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.013427324605572 147.39625784725 0.65
25 10069 1.367755009255 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.69520309861953 126.49731479033 0.57
26 5400 0.73355665016547 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.6666666666667 123.17596843644 0.59
27 25268 3.4330520510023 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 4.3137565299984 83.110702579487 0.32
28 3392 0.46166129552149 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.58962264150943 75.801800599634 0.65
29 2499 0.34050843236635 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.80032012805122 109.15414239266 0.6
30 1571 0.2192748206221 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 1.2730744748568 92.276490532466 0.56
31 6808 0.92500848343378 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 2.9377203290247 74.359836361885 0.63
32 4369 0.59478708936547 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.68665598535134 164.67795678127 0.58
33 4347 0.59053975285864 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0 287.69849452044 0.65
34 1809 0.24657774556107 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.6583747927032 71.684686677327 0.55
35 3123 0.424829538508 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.32020493115594 54.025580798295 0.57
36 7876 1.070216255294 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 2.6663280853225 66.730624921836 0.52
37 1382 0.18796108310656 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0 104.74073265344 0.59
38 3479 0.47360357088652 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0 203.73909608823 0.63
39 731 0.10036030723214 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 1.3679890560876 170.61242232247 0.54
40 7034 0.95592028551656 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.14216661927779 113.49046813203 0.61
41 20827 2.8293978773144 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0 200.49688582148 0.64
42 4837 0.65786095009211 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.62021914409758 171.31699414864 0.57
43 26928 3.657423281326 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.18568033273916 138.23237255349 0.71
44 38974 5.3083086907762 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 2.8223944167907 98.374181274336 0.58
45 18584 2.524141500379 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 5.8114507102884 72.967656688956 0.55
46 17171 2.3326234189373 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.93180362238658 114.16902933381 0.67
47 67500 9.1687927059442 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.32592592592593 161.523197395 0.51
48 86737 11.7807239963 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.32281494633202 137.42941315868 0.2
49 16267 2.2107952273379 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 4.3031905083912 91.565672643402 0.63
50 21712 2.9506076808591 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 4.8820928518791 75.675858748723 0.51
51 129178 17.545732022554 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.14708386877022 169.22969404547 0.23
52 58410 7.9339292364824 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.068481424413628 87.105123479071 0.31
53 90924 12.349731117896 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.37393867405745 115.878719555 0.23