Details for YMV17_180207

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  • Date & time: 2018-02-07,

  • Location: Alexandria

  • Animal subject: YMV17

  • Investigator: Yuta Senzai

  • Experimenters: Yuta Senzai

  • Project: Layer-specific physiological features and interlaminar interactions in the primary visual cortex of the mouse

  • Data repositories: NYUshare_Datasets, download session from Web share

  • Created: 2019-01-08 13:44:28 by Yuta Senzai
    Updated: 2020-06-27 18:42:21 by Peter Petersen ADMIN

  • Notes:


Epochs Behavioral paradigm Maze type Built maze Manipulation Duration Notes
YMV17_180207 Homecage_Sleep Homecage Homecage_Mouse Light stimulation 28333.08



File format

Sampling rate



Spike groups

Least significant bit

Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dat 20000 566661600 64 1 0.195

Implanted probes

YMV01 : Silicon probe Cambridge Neurotech H3 (64 ch, 1 shanks, linear ) | Region: VISp | Coordinates: 1.0, 2.5,

Spike groups

Spike groups are typically defined by the group of channels within shanks. Channels are listed and comma-separated and labels can further be assigned to each group. Channels are 0-indexed.




1 23, 14, 16, 25, 12, 21, 8, 10, 22, 9, 26, 13, 11, 24, 15, 28, 27, 6, 19, 29, 4, 20, 32, 63, 1, 2, 31, 17, 3, 30, 7, 5, 37, 60, 45, 35, 62, 46, 34, 48, 18, 64, 33, 47, 61, 36, 57, 59, 41, 52, 50, 39, 54, 43, 58, 56, 44, 55, 40, 51, 53, 42, 49, 38
This section is dedicated to extra inputs besides the primary recording channels. For extracellular recordings this includes any extra analog and digital channels. Further it can be inputs saved with an Arduino or Raspberry pi or an entirely different hardware solution.


Input type




Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) adc 7 Stim opto and light stim


File names





Brain regions are defined according to the Allen Institute Atlas. A brain region can be assigned to a list of channels or spike groups.

Brain region


Spike groups

VISp – Primary visual area (View in Atlas) 1:64 1

Channel tags

Examples and reserved tags: Bad, Good, Theta, Gamma, Delta, Ripple, RippleNoise.



Spike groups

Analysis tags




Spike sorting



Relative path


Spike sorter


Sorting completed

Units count

Sorting ID

KiloSort Phy Yuta Senzai Yes 81 22908

Spike sorted units

# Spike count Firing rate (Hz) Spike group Brain region Cell type Deep/Superficial Refractory violation (‰) Peak voltage (µV) Trough-to-Peak (ms) Isolation distance
1 25189 0.88961288067626 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 1.6276946286077 213.25143023277 0.68
2 747458 26.395002674511 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.27158716610164 118.52616776198 0.29
3 402166 14.201711105151 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.23124779319982 234.50499990549 0.24
4 919673 32.476420568356 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.40340425346835 379.13772463389 0.26
5 456994 16.137871067982 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 8.4530650293002 237.77665633519 0.24
6 90807 3.2069270330231 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.3634081073045 146.61827588853 0.68
7 170560 6.0230127395053 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.47490619136961 276.60715607908 0.51
8 144463 5.1014714427247 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 2.2220222479112 109.82448192424 0.66
9 316280 11.168874799498 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 2.7412419375237 94.503945714929 0.34
10 32355 1.1426051597877 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0 392.44137616508 0.6
11 187665 6.6271205099409 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.1936162843365 169.58407311608 0.57
12 57205 2.0202445276712 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.7480989424001 86.037061720631 0.68
13 23793 0.84024717654277 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.58840835539865 481.32215777605 0.61
14 150383 5.310585102347 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 33.560974312256 109.71992573467 0.36
15 470119 16.601335817117 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 21.724286829505 197.96811857295 0.35
16 39345 1.3895051959813 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.0420637946372 138.20484701962 0.65
17 39901 1.4092376419216 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 4.68659933335 98.761923651568 0.66
18 156586 5.5300341517203 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.5199315392181 133.22742069432 0.55
19 5203 0.18380692404922 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.57659042859889 134.87300164826 0.65
20 25309 0.89380535395729 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.11853490853056 229.98284315557 0.74
21 69319 2.471707905092 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.49048601393557 151.72666175177 0.32
22 35991 1.2870771285717 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.61126392709288 64.045446733607 0.16
23 55801 1.970552537638 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 6.702388846078 98.613994969758 0.15
24 19410 0.68546581079027 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.66975785677486 142.87576196633 0.66
25 33450 1.1812398224668 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.14947683109118 125.83582120882 0.66
26 141603 5.0005189517613 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.0169276074659 103.26541573669 0.54
27 43364 1.5313368555564 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.092242413061526 276.2406006443 0.71
28 41448 1.4683418727615 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.024126616483304 267.40846096089 0.61
29 31521 1.1131349941672 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.25379905459852 155.14490893054 0.62
30 57384 2.0264257371804 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.12198522236163 140.41945144933 0.59
31 98041 3.4621962597584 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 2.478554890301 106.90074079196 0.36
32 36252 1.2802009493136 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.57927838464085 118.9808590681 0.58
33 115200 4.0680736184028 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.33854166666667 53.965674745498 0.66
34 18506 0.65354048530216 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 1.1347671025613 155.9607288345 0.72
35 25086 0.88603390957308 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.67766881926174 131.74465993992 0.65
36 19901 0.70278057867478 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.75373096829305 123.75640719861 0.59
37 94476 3.3362408672256 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.33871036030315 323.96342468038 0.54
38 282288 9.9686095868892 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 6.6598651023069 99.90705599658 0.31
39 128435 4.5355687834121 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.97325495386772 114.56710003284 0.54
40 103808 3.6657873416018 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.39495992601726 149.62806480981 0.56
41 8341 0.29455544142312 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.59944850737322 270.16959495447 0.62
42 6485 0.22901213236532 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.61680801850424 201.95641410617 0.62
43 3015 0.10662807147796 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0 143.41673539543 0.65
44 124592 4.3998866691578 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.78656735584949 132.48645810258 0.71
45 97711 3.4505523699189 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 1.1871744225318 93.872327397377 0.24
46 94389 3.3332160745005 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.8010573265953 120.19323361381 0.52
47 269235 9.5079581929674 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.059427637565695 92.714384606557 0.71
48 29763 1.051166984215 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.40318516278601 206.46411401794 0.64
49 7812 0.27588926332592 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 1.4080901177675 180.06174443047 0.56
50 88031 3.1087047842715 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 1.2382001794822 111.43598287596 0.12
51 70053 2.4737857432849 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 1.2990164589668 110.12097401141 0.61
52 12971 0.45834950632576 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.61676046565415 157.33349150779 0.64
53 371103 13.105108136865 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.821874250545 209.57124264562 0.25
54 265906 9.3900280261999 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 16.592329620242 190.75873053979 0.31
55 327668 11.570996923375 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.46083230587058 175.26160164742 0.23
56 51729 1.8267195496367 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 2.1844613273019 198.77060746991 0.65
57 53906 1.9036321317672 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.4840648536341 70.039451273629 0.7
58 57695 2.0374343342145 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 8.0422913597365 99.425836462449 0.14
59 21640 0.76437026203579 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.6007393715342 111.13310475187 0.67
60 158610 5.6011603855568 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.79440136183091 56.689699241358 0.69
61 18120 0.63987612789181 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.93818984547461 171.11304873944 0.69
62 72473 2.5593082194085 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.28976308418308 271.13455077791 0.56
63 82375 2.9090658162412 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 2.391502276176 155.99497203301 0.58
64 21419 0.75640973064844 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 1.77412577618 119.0504940799 0.6
65 44110 1.5577979118459 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.1788710043074 200.36405814696 0.71
66 55922 1.9748425464151 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 4.1486355995851 169.2043650586 0.73
67 62005 2.1901894809553 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.38706555922909 134.14265623662 0.61
68 271596 9.5908974742627 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.7400698095701 239.51446860938 0.58
69 48127 1.6995751122254 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 2.7011864441997 101.37308679561 0.65
70 50285 1.7757381404617 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.053992244208 132.27942747115 0.59
71 171744 6.0648857493017 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.23290478852245 225.40851140106 0.56
72 45948 1.636919612482 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.26116479498564 137.15742261716 0.76
73 48438 1.7105357390307 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.28902927453652 114.98727691727 0.6
74 80387 2.8392669427905 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 20.513267070546 266.13354802783 0.21
75 55647 1.9651039116628 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0.71881682750193 146.19691975437 0.73
76 273193 9.6472833352995 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 33.701449158653 183.10818246416 0.71
77 10785 0.3809623280077 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.27816411682893 252.50809133689 0.57
78 306773 10.833091668445 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 1.5646748573049 128.5659203714 0.51
79 6664 0.23534677900254 1 VISp Wide Interneuron Unknown 0 246.74541684569 0.61
80 56731 2.0034509850222 1 VISp Pyramidal Cell Unknown 0.070508187763304 245.55760533273 0.71
81 393593 13.902866327854 1 VISp Narrow Interneuron Unknown 0.51067981391945 205.81832308378 0.26