Details for 20160309

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  • Date & time: 2016-03-09,

  • Animal subject: PV5

  • Investigator: Sam McKenzie

  • Experimenters: Dan English, Sam McKenzie

  • Project: Ground truth cell-types using various opto-tag approaches

  • Data repositories: NYUshare_Datasets, download session from Web share

  • Created: 2019-04-02 15:46:02 by Peter Petersen ADMIN
    Updated: 2020-06-27 18:43:58 by Peter Petersen ADMIN

  • Notes:
    Optotagging in homecage


Epochs Behavioral paradigm Maze type Built maze Manipulation Duration Notes
20160309 Homecage_Sleep Homecage Homecage_Mouse Light stimulation 30503.736



File format

Sampling rate



Spike groups

Least significant bit

Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dat 20000 610074720 64 6 0.195

Implanted probes

PV5 : Silicon probe NeuroNexus Buzsaki64sp (64 ch, 6 shanks, staggered Non-uniform ) | Region: HIP | Coordinates: , ,

Spike groups

Spike groups are typically defined by the group of channels within shanks. Channels are listed and comma-separated and labels can further be assigned to each group. Channels are 0-indexed.




1 50, 57, 49, 58, 52, 55, 51, 56, 54, 53
2 60, 37, 59, 35, 62, 34, 61, 33, 64, 63
3 38, 44, 39, 48, 41, 47, 42, 46, 43, 45
4 40, 28, 36, 25, 30, 23, 26, 24, 22, 21
5 27, 6, 29, 5, 32, 4, 31, 3, 1, 2
6 7, 16, 8, 15, 9, 14, 10, 13, 11, 12
This section is dedicated to extra inputs besides the primary recording channels. For extracellular recordings this includes any extra analog and digital channels. Further it can be inputs saved with an Arduino or Raspberry pi or an entirely different hardware solution.


Input type




Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) adc 0 StimShank1
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) adc 1 StimShank1
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) adc 2 StimShank3
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) adc 3 StimShank4


File names





Brain regions are defined according to the Allen Institute Atlas. A brain region can be assigned to a list of channels or spike groups.

Brain region


Spike groups

HIP – Hippocampal region (View in Atlas) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64

Channel tags

Examples and reserved tags: Bad, Good, Theta, Gamma, Delta, Ripple, RippleNoise.



Spike groups

Ripple 34 2
Theta 34 2

Analysis tags




Spike sorting



Relative path


Spike sorter


Sorting completed

Units count

Sorting ID

Klustakwik Neurosuite Sam McKenzie Yes 83 28187

Spike sorted units

# Spike count Firing rate (Hz) Spike group Brain region Cell type Deep/Superficial Refractory violation (‰) Peak voltage (µV) Trough-to-Peak (ms) Isolation distance
1 24353 0.79849701568831 6 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 1.6425081098838 46.380427645158 0.78 42.877322787618
2 48032 1.5747290658348 6 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 7.161892071952 64.812511009068 0.69 38.579767595187
3 50738 1.6634054978653 6 HIP Wide Interneuron Superficial 0.31534550041389 45.775153770038 0.63 101.14046361744
4 42554 1.3952831625436 6 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 3.9479249894252 43.960112785858 0.76 43.040124239632
5 10393 0.34079116638343 6 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 6.1579909554508 71.934467240851 0.77 20.447991630286
6 3750 0.12332488284379 6 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 20.533333333333 158.9180890033 0.79 17.256316464432
7 32368 1.0611655574897 6 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 2.7187345526446 47.784892094332 0.78 34.161845810514
8 24132 0.79181013570227 6 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 5.925741753688 48.901721325411 0.65 43.271099122604
9 24903 0.81655850941581 5 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 2.8510621210296 148.1734605014 0.68 29.790431838971
10 83987 2.75337540304 5 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 9.5610034886351 92.715401482718 0.8 39.246524887916
11 19790 0.64912447090144 5 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 1.8191005558363 64.513736564898 0.75 46.21043365199
12 21943 0.71999782507698 5 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 5.1952786765711 167.45642322448 0.79 22.392209940662
13 24227 0.79509891667863 5 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 2.1050893631073 199.37385965657 0.79 25.91096413032
14 17456 0.57284918038855 5 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 2.3487626031164 138.04855637317 0.65 31.330046773304
15 27208 0.89215937774756 5 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 2.5727727139077 59.541460323205 0.59 46.950717220695
16 473599 15.526397633919 5 HIP Wide Interneuron Deep 4.2757691633639 76.161422796849 0.32 126.91911191736
17 5425 0.17788460195341 5 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 0.18433179723502 199.10071683756 0.65 28.658898452226
18 16229 0.53227597067615 5 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 3.3273769178631 75.850594016981 0.78 18.787836175456
19 36826 1.2075092378301 5 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 5.2951718894259 92.551913613507 0.63 20.831554967633
20 9707 0.31853309991325 5 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 2.2664056866179 139.78319865545 0.7 21.365896184153
21 51165 1.6774199453831 5 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 3.3421284080915 93.033691831086 0.79 29.16553604344
22 16970 0.55635212572517 5 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 7.0713022981732 116.07372350401 0.64 22.972222559603
23 235683 7.7268322851388 5 HIP Wide Interneuron Superficial 0.042429874025704 95.599264256845 0.39 135.14380439293
24 84814 2.7811626795946 4 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 6.001367698729 77.83306709972 0.78 64.974988529927
25 36231 1.187934412702 4 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 3.1740774474897 60.725041909826 0.67 40.923937927099
26 6614 0.53362296457965 4 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 2.7214998488056 64.134043219421 0.65 33.22603930283
27 53998 1.7702339530807 4 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 16.185784658691 135.87747659246 0.66 32.104082830433
28 86591 2.8392883461526 4 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 11.213636521117 121.08477985991 0.65 40.775436181377
29 59425 1.9482143224855 4 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 10.180900294489 94.339092865513 0.72 28.975340235724
30 72885 2.3894863818775 4 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 12.032654181244 90.789388090972 0.75 31.994983328522
31 29169 0.9562872410959 4 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 6.9937262161884 212.29790274868 0.76 23.341253348913
32 68753 2.2539949185599 4 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 10.370456561895 74.580438605978 0.76 39.850001549155
33 2540 0.08337009590776 4 HIP Wide Interneuron Superficial 3.1496062992126 137.13328857057 0.71 32.754657980612
34 29354 0.96243508075541 4 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 5.1781699257341 71.485946668119 0.62 38.243855092539
35 11668 0.38294740207258 4 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 7.3705862187179 141.0047157744 0.74 20.520394717308
36 20652 0.67750953890668 3 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 2.953709083866 72.330060613033 0.69 107.8762783079
37 57943 1.8996353280785 3 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 4.3836183835839 106.81439780815 0.79 48.604871858024
38 15344 0.5031223308207 3 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 2.0203336809176 230.58174988659 0.73 22.751442749389
39 27110 0.88884735907253 3 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 1.8074511250461 77.262354036558 0.68 50.169142302345
40 76766 2.5167818542592 3 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 12.036578693693 111.04781074656 0.79 33.674426847178
41 75764 2.4837999659745 3 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 12.103373633916 98.563079053226 0.77 32.898179497969
42 19601 0.64322630791071 3 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 4.4385490536197 107.68223719628 0.65 19.222519694263
43 493347 16.174024526839 3 HIP Narrow Interneuron Superficial 0.86146262164359 252.95374585388 0.26 0
44 45841 1.5028445096751 3 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 8.2895224798761 86.78343464068 0.71 41.474396970741
45 11216 0.36801728584016 3 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 3.4771754636234 172.63599026773 0.78 19.714026498711
46 14640 0.53999790186471 3 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 7.9918032786885 220.42775701528 0.74 25.741431498314
47 25472 0.83508713132812 3 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 5.22141959799 60.435073109623 0.77 23.526201373055
48 32531 1.0670952971094 3 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 5.2872644554425 89.305781857044 0.58 37.41164931806
49 33248 1.0904532763828 3 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 6.7071703561116 90.863149128544 0.77 23.914674867607
50 90677 2.9729938815431 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 8.3483132437112 121.55888744616 0.8 22.429188025718
51 26885 0.88146900256794 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 2.9384415101358 63.98969833815 0.56 33.064273569843
52 775261 25.415653010253 2 HIP Narrow Interneuron Deep 5.705175418343 226.63385209334 0.22 183.04504041948
53 493831 16.189746845218 2 HIP Narrow Interneuron Deep 4.0843932438425 140.6252729453 0.29 160.57403111524
54 5441 0.17888315873006 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 2.7568461679838 295.86910299583 0.82 19.324278256802
55 38761 1.2707548046345 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 7.7397383968422 70.92902152898 0.58 41.481550061025
56 21827 0.7161852582365 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 4.9480001832593 89.746323423654 0.66 28.318328388443
57 24802 0.81353746681578 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 4.1528908958955 137.84770913106 0.7 23.585950271819
58 38504 1.2626114753102 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 4.4410970288801 108.83371867182 0.73 18.20604591884
59 40044 1.3130017678603 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 3.3962641094796 73.988222406017 0.74 30.054979080557
60 25693 0.84230093312571 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 4.0867162262095 92.437156846769 0.67 29.081903173762
61 29575 0.96993097074252 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 3.279797125951 126.70709304352 0.7 33.844241817128
62 121999 4.0000104001123 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 10.4017246043 105.75855630963 0.7 52.458532939453
63 60783 1.9940278238447 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 7.1566062879424 223.33491051114 0.79 29.109734991542
64 5117 0.16826279785565 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 4.6902481923002 486.03295890463 0.75 27.736920480625
65 20085 0.65914813349251 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 2.5392083644511 160.76493320624 0.68 26.748985140622
66 6145 0.20155300741351 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 2.4410089503662 236.70009622465 0.82 16.704661735444
67 12725 0.41718164694764 2 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 2.5933202357564 123.08017251057 0.67 18.119422341077
68 126549 4.1487797822617 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 10.114659143889 124.35342623806 0.71 88.171899279872
69 49145 1.6114067227554 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 6.2264726828772 71.675025549627 0.7 40.318640816666
70 41136 1.3488333331893 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 3.7436795021392 81.981305867767 0.74 38.930915414979
71 70186 2.300991703131 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 4.9725016385034 146.25042021581 0.78 43.9986791729
72 6234 0.20466391135003 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 0.16041065126724 189.49498095488 0.8 30.352636672077
73 26502 0.86897590373297 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 3.1695721077655 133.58032788974 0.72 28.411556055511
74 12028 0.39432979458296 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 1.0808114399734 277.80119209427 0.78 25.336732422037
75 45231 1.4829608637723 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 4.5322898012425 97.620578131415 0.65 79.797942998774
76 140373 4.6025618586611 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 7.6795395125843 113.33857153188 0.74 58.848851193696
77 36540 1.1989112232422 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 3.0103995621237 260.38587519314 0.74 28.45867603201
78 21821 0.75214681152959 1 HIP Wide Interneuron Deep 1.2373401768938 106.73735167146 0.4 41.976660612669
79 3759 0.12402369468893 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 2.6602819898909 217.24736454605 0.78 21.085483350706
80 8165 0.26781485778807 1 HIP Wide Interneuron Deep 0.3674219228414 80.64226256658 0.43 67.08349810796
81 6199 0.2034324572065 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Deep 0.80658170672689 253.23703299853 0.8 18.952868468125
82 41403 1.3574575559312 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 7.4873801415356 76.480589915304 0.64 32.842565284154
83 15028 0.49276662338597 1 HIP Pyramidal Cell Superficial 2.6616981634283 143.34148998267 0.68 25.81029278485