Details for ham34_100-102_amp

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  • Date & time: 2019-02-04, 18:15:23

  • Location: SB1323

  • Animal subject: ham34

  • Investigator: Viktor Varga

  • Experimenters: Viktor Varga

  • Project: Medial Septal place cell generation, Place field-memory field unity of hippocampal neurons

  • Data repositories: NYUshare_Datasets, download session from Web share

  • Created: 2020-01-13 11:56:56 by Peter Petersen ADMIN
    Updated: 2023-08-14 10:58:56 by Peter Petersen

  • Notes:
    Stimulation on central arm and one of the side arms


Epochs Behavioral paradigm Maze type Built maze Manipulation Duration Notes
ham34_100 Homecage_Sleep Homecage Homecage_Mouse
ham34_101 ThetaMaze_AlternativeRunning Theta maze Theta_Maze_Viktor Light stimulation
ham34_102 Homecage_Sleep Homecage Homecage_Mouse



File format

Sampling rate



Spike groups

Least significant bit

Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dat 20000 64 4 0.195

Implanted probes

HAM34 : Silicon probe NeuroNexus A4x16-Poly2-5mm-23s-200-177 (64 ch, 4 shanks, poly 2 ) | Region: CA1 | Coordinates: , ,

Spike groups

Spike groups are typically defined by the group of channels within shanks. Channels are listed and comma-separated and labels can further be assigned to each group. Channels are 0-indexed.




1 26, 23, 21, 28, 22, 27, 19, 30, 20, 29, 17, 32, 18, 31, 24, 25
2 11, 10, 7, 14, 6, 15, 5, 16, 3, 12, 2, 8, 1, 4, 9, 13
3 56, 53, 52, 57, 49, 60, 50, 59, 54, 61, 58, 64, 62, 63, 51, 55
4 41, 40, 38, 43, 37, 44, 36, 45, 35, 46, 34, 47, 33, 48, 39, 42
This section is dedicated to extra inputs besides the primary recording channels. For extracellular recordings this includes any extra analog and digital channels. Further it can be inputs saved with an Arduino or Raspberry pi or an entirely different hardware solution.


Input type




Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) adc 3 opto Analog reading of the opto stimulation
Intan Technologies, RHD2000 USB interface board (256ch) dig 1 optiTrack_sync optiTrack TTL sync


File names





OptiTrack, Flex 13 ham34_100.csv 1 Head position 100
OptiTrack, Flex 13 ham34_101.csv 2 Head position 100
OptiTrack, Flex 13 ham34_102.csv 3 Head position 100

Brain regions are defined according to the Allen Institute Atlas. A brain region can be assigned to a list of channels or spike groups.

Brain region


Spike groups

CA1 – Field CA1 (View in Atlas) 1:64

Channel tags

Examples and reserved tags: Bad, Good, Theta, Gamma, Delta, Ripple, RippleNoise.



Spike groups

Theta 32 4
Ripple 32 4

Analysis tags




prebehaviortime 1
optiTrackExtraPulses 0
useOptitrackTime 0
optiTrack_length_unit 1
opto_pulse_amplitude 0.5
optiTrack_offset -5, 58, 0
reward_points_linearized 118,192
sessions 1,2,3 Control, Stim, PostStim
timefile 1 time
optiTrack_scaling 0.5

Spike sorting



Relative path


Spike sorter


Sorting completed

Units count

Sorting ID

KiloSort Phy Kilosort_2019-03-20_183834 Viktor Varga Yes 18 46447

Spike sorted units

# Spike count Firing rate (Hz) Spike group Brain region Cell type Deep/Superficial Refractory violation (‰) Peak voltage (µV) Trough-to-Peak (ms) Isolation distance
1 6094 0.96345009613869 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 2.9537249753856 143.58109830337 0.78
2 24530 3.8776886882446 4 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Superficial 1.1414594374236 91.508197085244 0.73
3 27953 4.4131567929579 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 3.3627875362215 134.13620456218 0.69
4 130978 20.678926782993 4 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Superficial 2.9088854616806 336.36054328555 0.28
5 108647 17.153263510334 3 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Deep 1.435842683185 222.82929461583 0.25
6 3982 0.6338507903142 4 CA1 Wide Interneuron Superficial 0.75339025615269 298.91087930468 0.7
7 4323 0.6826276474619 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 0 82.946372017941 0.67
8 4341 0.68660012392175 4 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Superficial 0 265.43859338032 0.79
9 5393 0.85508100453642 4 CA1 Wide Interneuron Superficial 1.6688299647691 233.6999593159 0.76
10 6471 1.0254177057882 4 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Superficial 0.30907124092103 141.70195346375 0.75
11 7161 1.1347520337827 3 CA1 Wide Interneuron Deep 0.13964530093562 285.12901530169 0.79
12 8438 1.3338563479236 3 CA1 Wide Interneuron Deep 0.23702299123015 231.85764494435 0.79
13 9478 1.4974375065122 4 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Superficial 3.2707322219878 152.40496146135 0.75
14 10621 1.6831319153252 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 0.56491855757462 109.19959492261 0.75
15 11731 1.8556850019713 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 3.6655016622624 138.97435477287 0.74
16 14625 2.3112846731815 3 CA1 Pyramidal Cell Deep 1.2991452991453 182.09335036297 0.77
17 14886 2.3560039574093 3 CA1 Wide Interneuron Deep 0.13435442697837 233.57459915307 0.71
18 175522 27.710926420719 2 CA1 Narrow Interneuron Deep 2.8999213773772 302.20907988703 0.29