We have developed a MATLAB toolset for interacting with the database. The code is shared on GitHub in the CellExplorer repository: github.com/petersenpeter/CellExplorer. The first functions below give reading access and they are sufficient for public access.

db_example.m: script containing a few examples for interacting with the database

gui_db_sessions.m: Shows a graphical interface allowing the user to select a number of sessions for processing.

db_set_session.m: loads session metadata from the database and generates the local path to the data.

db_load_table.m: allows you to query individual database tables, e.g. sessions, projects, silicon probes.

db_load_sessions.m: the metadata will be loaded from the database for multiple sessions based on user inputs (search terms).

For contributors and collaborators

db_credentials.m: provide your credentials in this file

db_local_repositories.m: provide your local repository paths in this file.

db_create_animal.m: creates a new animal subject in the database

db_create_session.m: creates a new session in the database.

db_upload_session.m: Update an existing session.

db_submit_cells.m: submit and update cells in the database.