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Welcome Josh Huang!
Not one, but two dear friends visited us today: Distinguished professor Josh Huang from Duke University (third from left) and Dr. Dan Levenstein (left), our friend and former [...]
How the Brain ‘Constructs’ the Outside World
Check out this new article about the 'inside-out' framework in Scientific American!
Selection of experience for memory by hippocampal sharp wave ripples
Congratulations to Winnie for her new paper on experience tagging through sharp-wave ripples in Science! Because this work wasn't hard enough in and by itself, she also undertook it [...]
Masters students visit from NYU Tisch School of the Arts
The Buzsaki lab welcomes Master students from NYU Tisch School of the Arts for a collaborative project to explore nested oscillations and neuronal [...]
Kenya Kindergarten Info Night
Adetta and Thomas presented their kindergarten project in Watamu Kenya to the Buzsakilab and friends. Learn more about the project under! [...]
Farewell party for Gergely
Farewell party for our friend and colleague Gergely Komlosi. We enjoyed having you around - your colleagues will miss you [...]